Women have shaped the history of the guest house Zum Riesen in Tarres in the Venosta Valley since the days when hostess Katharina Jäklin ran the inn back in 1387. Her skilful hands laid the groundwork for the former Romanic pilgrims’ hostel to remain a gem of hospitality over the centuries, even with a Baroque ceiling fresco and mural paintings in rustic Art-Noveau style. Nine uniquely designed rooms, a parlour, and a salon add up to a historic refuge for all those who yearn for a place to allow their soul, mind, and body a break.

Gasthof Zum Riesen
in Tarres, close to Laces in Val Venosta
from Romanesque to Baroque and Art Nouveau
hosts the village pub ‘Tarscher Wirt’
1387, family-owned for at least three generations
the atmosphere of the building, the calm of the place
The ‘Giant’—for that is what the name of the place means—tells many tales; you just need to listen carefully and look closely.

Palatable treats, the sources reveal, have been served here since 1487.

Unperturbable, cheerful, and serene, it is indeed a good place to take a break: The wisdom of old age has nothing to fear.

The ‘Tarscher Wirt’: an inn-stitution since 1387.
»This house has an amazing value for us as a family because it contains our personal history.«

»Giant views and unforeknown insights: on the trail of Ms. Jäklin, the innkeeper.«

Guest court Zum Riesen
Via Carpoforo 1
39021 Tarres/Val Venosta, Alto Adige
+39 0473 720081