We are an association of distinguished historic hotels and inns in South Tyrol. We are ambassadorsof timeless hospitality.

Schloss Englar

Appiano, South Tyrol

in the Oltradige vineyards


Gothic 1450 castle

Food & drink

on-site vineyard

Hosting since


Characteristic features

Culture in the castle, castle chapel, vineyard

For many centuries, South Tyrol’s best-kept Gothic castle has been housing the noble life. It was close to 400 years ago that the Counts of Khuen-Belasi moved into the residence between the hills at the foot of the Mendola mountains. Their doors are open to travellers, revealing classic rooms, a spacious garden and a hall of knights boasting an open fireplace that was named after German bard Rainer Maria Rilke following his poetically immortalised visit in 1897. Looking right at the Gothic chapel recalling times long past, the attached wineries and agricultural premises including horse stables and a duck pond, one might as well feel like a lord of the manor.

In a unique atmosphere between the majestic cedars, antique charm and modern conveniences …

come together to create a very special experience at this place …

for dwelling in oblivion of the prosaic world outside.

Wandering around the halls of the castles is like a stroll through 400 years of building and family history.

»Guests need to be a bit adventurous, a little inventive, and independent.« 

Johannes Khuen-Belasi
Host at the castel Englar
A conversation with
Johannes and Maria Khuen-Belasi about
»A journey to Englar Castle and the Middle Ages. Where travelling in time equals relaxation.«

Schloss Englar
Pigeno 42
39057 Appiano, South Tyrol
+39 0471 662 628

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